Wonderful ground floor, two-bedroom apartment ideally located on the Dundrum Road convenient to public transport and town amenities. Accommodation provides spacious kitchen/lounge with views to the Mourne Mountains, 2 bedrooms and new wet-room style bathroom. Benefits include elevator, security system, alarm, gfch, PVC double glazed windows with built in venetian blinds, secure, gated, off street residents parking and communal grounds .
with elevator, tiled floor and stairs to first floor landing
11ft6ins x 6ft10ins
laminate floor, recessed LED lights
18ft0ins x 12ft6ins
laminate floor, high & low level shaker style cream units with soft close doors, boiled water tap, one & a half FRANKE sink, integrated fridge, W/D, oven/hob, dishwasher, recessed LED lights
12ft2ins x 10ft0ins
10ft0ins x 6ft10ins
8ft0ins x 6ft0ins
wet-room ,LED lights, tiled floors, stainless steel radiator
DISCLAIMER: all measurements are approximate and are for general guidance only. Any fixtures, fittings, services heating systems, appliances or installations referred to in these particulars have not been tested and therefore no guarantee can be given that they are in working order. Photographs have been produced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown in included in the property. Any intending purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. The vendor does not make or give and neither do J&D Flynn nor does any person in their employment have any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Customer Due Diligence: As a business carrying out estate agency work we are required to verify the identity of both the vendor and the purchaser as outlined in the following: The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 – https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/692/contents. Any information and documentation provided by you will be held for a period of five years from when you cease to have a contractual relationship with Lisney. The information will be held in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on our client file and will not be passed on to any other party, unless we are required to do so by law and regulation.